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Hotel and travel distribution technology
A convenient way to view room service menu with pictures, and order them. Directly from customer's phone.
No downloads required. After the ordering, the kitchen staff will receive a SMS notification about the order and can proceed.
Guests can modify, or add requests to each item, and also to the delivery itself.
Supports also Take away and pre- ordering.
Any business with the restaurant can use this solution, including theme parks with a restaurants and golf resorts.
No intergrations are required to start using this product.
Guests can be directed to the service via Qr-code, but also as part of the normal chat, or with a special email link, or Wifi Landing page.
No integrations needed at all. Guests will reach via link or QR-code.
Can also be part of a special widget, like hotel app, or on touch screens.
Screenshots, videos and other resources
Product features
Hotelogix Property Management System
Hotelogix Multi Property Manager
Infrasys Cloud POS
Technical specifications
Fee structure
What is a hotel chatbot?
How does it work?
Why do I need it?
How do I get started?
How much does it cost?
I don’t see the benefit of having a chatbot in my hotel page?
How can we make sure the bot gives correct answers?
How can I see how much revenue the chatbot generates?
Will the bot get more people to our webpage?
We don’t know what the future brings, why do we need it now?