Market Insight

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Project management & innovation
Market insight is the industry's first predictive market intelligence solution that captures hotel booking intent in real-time to uncover new revenue opportunities. In other words, it helps anyone interested in understanding true market demand based on consumer search patterns.
Market insight helps answer the following questions:
● When are travellers searching to stay/fly to my destination?
● Where are they from and how long do they intend to stay?
● When should I expect high and low demand over the next 365 days?
● What hotels (outside of my usual competitive set) am I competing against based on consumer search patterns?
● What areas of my destination are the most in demand over specific days?
We turn 100s of millions of data points into actionable data to easily spot opportunities.
Market Insight is suitable for all kinds of hotels from chains to individual properties.
It requires no integrations to use however, you can add your occupancy % OTB (On-The-Books) for deeper insights if you wish to.
Screenshots, videos and other resources
Product features
Duetto RMS
Atomize RMS
Hotelogix Property Management System
Hotelogix Multi Property Manager
FLYR Hospitality | Insights
Revenue Management System
Pricing Manager
Rate Insight
Benchmark Insight
Business Intelligence
Parity Insight
Booking Engine
RMS Cloud
Mews PMS
Technical specifications
The technology supplier has to do the set up from the back end, and training for the client is part of the pricing.
Lighthouse's commercial system can be leverage by any commercial team member, owner or general manager. Its implementation is supported by bespoke team within Lighthouse.
Fee structure
Paid annually. Unlimited number of users.
How exactly does predictive market intelligence work?
How reliable is forward-looking search data when predicting hotel demand?
How early can forward-looking search data forecast hotel demand?
Can I target feeder markets that drive high volumes of searches?
Can I get city level data to make my marketing budget work harder?
Can I find out who I’m truly competing against?
Can Market Insight help me in my forecasting process?
Which Lighthouse products complement Market Insight?
Is there an On-the-Books (OTB) integration available?