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Project management & innovation
Successful retargeting campaigns often require extensive manual work. With Triptease, we ensure your ads reach only the guests most likely to book and not those who aren't interested. We automatically increase bids based on 'likelihood to convert,' helping you attract high-value guests to book directly. Maintain your off-site brand image by choosing premium templates or take full control with custom ads.
Trusted by 10,000 hotels globally from boutique hotels to beachside resorts, Triptease tools work across the entire customer journey - from acquisition to conversion - to make sure they book directly with the hotel.
Screenshots, videos and other resources
Product features
Technical specifications
We understand that transitioning to a new platform can be time-consuming. That’s why our dedicated team will guide you through the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth integration. To get started, you will need to insert a few scripts, that will be provided by us, onto your website. This allows our powerful tools to seamlessly connect with your existing booking system.
Triptease Retargeting scales alongside your hotel's guest base. Our intelligent algorithms automatically identify website visitors with high booking intent, regardless of property volume. This ensures you retarget only the most qualified leads, maximizing your campaign impact and conversion rates as your audience grows.
Fee structure
Triptease offers both pay-per-stay and license fee models for our Retargeting product.